
Work in progress

Vandeweerdt, Clara and Ben Kenward. “Disruptive climate action in the media and public opinion: a stimulus sampling experiment.”

Under review

Vandeweerdt, Clara. “The Activist’s Trade-off: Climate Disruption Buys Salience at a Cost”. (Working paper, Appendix)

Vandeweerdt, Clara, Gregory Eady, Frederik Hjorth, and Peter Thisted Dinesen. “Measuring Social and Political Identities In Social Media Self-Descriptions.”

Bergquist, Parrish, Clara Vandeweerdt, Matto Mildenberger, Peter Howe, and Jennifer Marlon. “Global geographic variation in climate concern at national and sub-national scales.”

Dinesen, Peter Thisted, Clara Vandeweerdt, and Kim Mannemar Sønderskov. “Perceptions of Ethnic Minority Discrimination: Statistics and Stories Move Majorities.”


Hedegaard, Frederik, Isak Klindt, Anton Kronborg and Clara Vandeweerdt. “Do green parties in government benefit from natural catastrophes? How wildfires are linked to voting.” Electoral Studies, published online. (open access, replication materials)

Vandeweerdt, Clara. “Weaving It In: How Political Radio Reacts to Events.” Public Opinion Quarterly 87, no. 1 (2023): 120-141. (Preprint, Appendix, replication materials)

Plechata, Adéla, Clara Vandeweerdt, Tiffany Luong, Michael Atchapero, Aske Mottelson, Christian Holz, Guido Makransky, and Robert Böhm. “Experiencing herd immunity at a virtual wedding increases COVID-19 vaccination intention.” Computers in Human Behavior 139 (2023): 107533. (open access)

Coscia, Michele and Clara Vandeweerdt. “Posts on Central Websites Need Less Originality to be Noticed.” Scientific Reports 12, no. 1 (2022). (open access)

Vandeweerdt, Clara. “Someone like you: False consensus in perceptions of Democrats and Republicans.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 32, no. 3 (2022): 739-749. (Preprint, Appendix)

Vandeweerdt, Clara. “In-group interest cues do not change issue attitudes.” Politics, Groups and Identities (2021): published online. (Preprint, Appendix)

Almasri, Nasir, Blair Read and Clara Vandeweerdt. “Mental Health and the PhD: Insights and Implications for Political Science.” PS: Political Science & Politics 55, no. 2 (2022): 347-353 (Preprint)

Vandeweerdt, Clara, Tiffany Luong, Michael Atchapero, Aske Mottelson, Christian Holz, Guido Makransky and Robert Böhm. “Virtual reality reduces COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the wild: A randomized trial.” Scientific Reports 12, no. 1 (2022). (open access)

Mottelson, Aske, Clara Vandeweerdt, Michael Atchapero, Tiffany Luong, Christian Holz, Robert Böhm and Guido Makransky. “A Self-administered Virtual Reality Intervention Increases COVID-19 Vaccination Intention.” Vaccine 39, no. 46 (2021): 6746-6753. (Preprint)

Vandeweerdt, Clara, Bart Kerremans and Avery Cohn. “Climate voting in the US Congress: The power of public concern.” Environmental Politics 25, no. 2 (2016): 268–288. (Preprint)


Vandeweerdt, Clara, “Worldwide trends in climate change opinion.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Spring 2019.